Conversion hex/rgb automatique macro VBA

Book4.3.xlsm (49,4 Ko)

I’m looking for a way to convert a colour value from hexa to rgb and vice versa.

I have already done a lot of research on google and generally I find excel formulas (use of boxes in the formulas to convert) instead of a VBA code. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to use a VBA code or not, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to use a VBA code.

I’m looking for an automatic conversion, i.e. when the hex value is modified, the rgb value is updated and vice versa, all in the same table.

All this data is organized by columns and a third one is needed to display the corresponding colour.

So far I have fulfilled my specifications but it is not optimal, I have two tables. I’m calling for your help today to help me optimize my code

Tell me if it’s not clear haha, I did the best I could. I am attaching the excel file as is.

Thanks in advance !

Hi Paco

Can you explain to us more clearly what you want?

Personally, I did not understand you already have everything

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